2nd layer
The Ultimate Overland Vehicle
Posted by Mototesto Admin on

Good organization is key when overlanding as it improves efficiency and safety. Knowing that your supplies are secure and readily (and easily) accessible contributes greatly to the overall enjoyment of your adventure. Being organized simply makes off-grid life easier! One such storage solution is the Mototesto Multi-mission Overland Vehicle (M.M.O.V.) canopy. The M.M.O.V. is a modular canopy storage system designed for maximum storage capacity and structured in a way to provide quick and easy access to supplies / equipment stored within. The M.M.O.V. has pre-installed racks or drawers which allows you to properly organize your supplies while increaseing your vehicle’s...
Posted by Mototesto Admin on

If you’re looking for extra weatherproof storage above your DECKED Drawer System, a Fiberglass Cap is a great option. Our drawers are compatible with most fiberglass caps, including ARE, LEER, SNUGTOP and more. Basic rule is if it sits on your bed rails, it’s compatible with DECKED. 2. BED COVERS Depending on your truck bed rail height, you’ll have about 10″ of space above your system and BED COVERS. Measure the depth of your bed and then figure that the first 12″ will be taken by your Drawer System so calculate carefully, but covers like the PACE EDWARDS SWITCHBLADE work great. 3. BED RACKS For those of...
Leitner Designs: Why The Leitner Rack is the Choice as Your Next Truck Bed Rack
Posted by Mototesto Admin on

If you are familiar with the Leitner Designs name, then you already know about their industry leading design that is completely modular and features a proprietary sliding cross bar that allows full use of your truck bed. This is the perfect solution for an overlanding vehicle or those simply looking to maximize the potential of their truck bed. If you are not familiar with Leitner Designs, then we would like to invite you in and prepare to find out why the Leitner Designs bed rack system is the choice for your next truck bed rack. In a series of blog posts...